.Recite !! (I Took Refuge in Allah from The Accursed Satan). Close your eyes,repeat Auzubillahi minash syaitanirr rajjiim......from your Crown Chakra (head),to every levels of yr nafs ~ Kamiliah (head),Mardhiah (eyes),Radhiah (throat),Mutma'innah (Heart),Mulhammah (stomach),Lawwamah (navel) and lastly Ammarah (base of spine).Then...recite:~ Bismillahi Rahmanir Rahiim....from each and every level of the nafs (chakra).
This is the
Only Way to change our being to Nur Mhmd (the blessed character),be His character and become One...returning His Mahabba to AHAD.
(The secret of RHMN & RHM.......and Bismillah in my next post !!) Jgn lupa sertai niat yg ikhlas diHati......Illahi,Engkau yg ku maksudkan,keredhoan Mu yg ku harapkan.....untuk mempunyai pekerti yg indah dan dilimpahi Kasih SayangNya dan seterusnya menjadi Pengasih ) Amiiiin.
(Lupa le pulak.....semasa baca auzubillah,niat dn rasai...bahawa diri membuang sifat2 keji dn jelek dn semasa membaca bismillah niat dan rasai diri diisi dgn sifat kasih sayang)
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