

Holy Spirit is identified as the divine agent.The Holy Spirit is a person, not an inanimate or depersonalized force.He inspired holy men to write the scriptures, enables one to understand the truth through illumination.He indwells believers,reveals the word of god.He fills the hearts of the faithful and kindles the fire of love. (Kepercayaan penganut kristian kerana tercatit didalam injil mengenai kelahiran MHMD yg berasal dari AHMAD dan permulaannya dari AHAD).Perhatikan setiap surah yg bermula dgn Qul atau katakanlah, ianya ditujukan kepada rasullallah walaupun MHMD adalah nabi yg terakhir.Dan MHMD juga adalah penghulu segala nabi.
Yahudi juga percaya akan kewujudan Ahmad dan MHMD (lihat tulisan diatas ~ dm.  Hebrew).

The Mystery of MEEM in AH'M'AD

The Meem in Ahmad is the door that leads to Ahad which is the Oneness of Allah.That is MHMD position in the creation, must be acknowledged before Allah will allow anyone to get close to Him! Ahad is spelled :~ Aliff,Haa,and Daal , Ahmad is spelled:- Aliff,Haa,Meem and Daal The only difference is the arabic letter Meem. To realise Allah Oneness, a person must send blessings to Allah's beloved. MHMD is the key to Allah's door.Knowledge from Allah comes through MHMD.The letter Aliff (in the name of AHMD) is for might and power.Haa is for realm of mercy, Meem is for sovereignity/kingdom, Daal is for guidance/Hidayat/evidence of truth.(Pengenalan kepada Diri adalah melalui Meem dlm. diri yg  membuka' buku lembaran' ygtelah di anugerah sejak azali,  dengan selawat dan Al Fatihah......insyaallah. Raikan cinta).